Rugged Gay Cowboy Mountain
Two handsome rugged gay cowboys take some cute sheep up a rugged gay cowboy mountain and do rugged gay cowboy things like: carry a little lamb across a raging pulsating stream that spurts up white froth; slowly withdraw a thorn that has pricked raw the tender paw of a sheep amongst big thick erect columns of wood; erotically wash their naked bodies in the river and shave with their shirts off; heroically guard the defenceless sheep from vicious coyotes whilst moodily looking out into middle distance over thrusting mountain peaks covered with white creamy snow, holding their pistols and silently thinking of their Oscar acceptance speeches.
All this handsome rugged gay cowboyness gets to them so they start bumming each other.
Anyway they come down from the mountain and resume their rugged non-gay cowboy lives but can't forget the rugged gay cowboy mountain so keep nipping back for a bit of rugged gay cowboy lovin'.
One of them gets hacked off with it after a while well.. 20 years so goes to Mexico or something but gets himself killed which makes the other rugged gay cowboy sad and shed a rugged gay cowboy tear. Aww..
Over all I found it highly enjoyable in a purely heterosexual and completely secure in my sexuality way.
Handsome rugged gay cowboy count: 2
Moody looks and meaningful glances count: 8734
Chance of scoring if you take a date: high
Chance she will actually be thinking about you: low
Best quote: "I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year!"
All this handsome rugged gay cowboyness gets to them so they start bumming each other.
Anyway they come down from the mountain and resume their rugged non-gay cowboy lives but can't forget the rugged gay cowboy mountain so keep nipping back for a bit of rugged gay cowboy lovin'.
One of them gets hacked off with it after a while well.. 20 years so goes to Mexico or something but gets himself killed which makes the other rugged gay cowboy sad and shed a rugged gay cowboy tear. Aww..
Over all I found it highly enjoyable in a purely heterosexual and completely secure in my sexuality way.
Handsome rugged gay cowboy count: 2
Moody looks and meaningful glances count: 8734
Chance of scoring if you take a date: high
Chance she will actually be thinking about you: low
Best quote: "I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year!"
Yep, shameless plagiarism and idea theft. This is the internet after all. But I feel ashamed now - confused and alone - hiding my real feelings because of societies cruel persecution of people like me and my desire to steal other peoples ideas.
Oh yeah real quote.
h, at 6:00 pm
Technically they're Sheep Wranglers, not Cowboys.
Latigo Flint, at 11:11 am
I've not actually seen this yet, yet, yet I'm looking forward to!
Perhaps something to wait for on DVD . . .
Naw seriously I've not seen it yet, but it's not something to see when you don't have girlfriend. Heh.
Steve, at 9:11 pm
Lagito - of course I will defer to you in all things cowboy but what exactly is the difference between and sheep wrangler and a shepherd?
Steve it is a tricky one. I am completely secure in my feelings for other men but yeah you do really need to go with a woman. Zen Wizard wrote the prefect post about watching Brokeback Mountain. I use it as a guide.
h, at 1:47 am
So, if you take a date, you will get laid, but she will be thinkin' about gay cowboys and sheep the whole time?
As long as she doesn't scream one of thems' name or go, "Bahhhhh!" I guess I'll take it...
Zen Wizard, at 3:17 am
I need to see this film, sharpish. I was turned on by the trailers, but then I had to watch The Producers and it all sort of.. dissipated.
And also... how do you wrangle a sheep? What? Does it explain in the film? Can you wrangle other things?
LĂ©onie, at 9:50 am
Yep Zen that is my assessment but there are no guarantees in life.
Leonie, lots of sheep wrangling in this film all done in a sensitive and sexually charged way. Yes you can wrangle anything you like except hadcock for some reason.
h, at 10:53 am
Your review was so *charged* and *riveting* that I really don't even need to see the movie now ... you've painted such a vivid picture of the film that I feel as if I've already seen it.
Between Zen keeping me up-to-date on my television viewing, and you keeping me up-to-date on my cinematic viewing, I may never have to leave the house or turn on the tube again. I'll have more time for the important things -- getting my nails done, shopping, etc.
Kitty, at 2:55 pm
Blimey!!! Looks that way doesn't it!
h, at 2:57 pm
Aww thanks Kitty - that means a lot.
Thinking about the whole haddock wrangling thing again - I suppose it might be possible with some kind of robotic submersible and haddock treats.
h, at 3:06 pm
Shepherds don't ride horses, wranglers do.
Latigo Flint, at 10:05 am
Ahh I see - so to wrangle haddock you would need a giant sea horse.
h, at 8:18 pm
Wasn't that a Tintin story?
Latigo Flint, at 8:35 am
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