South London
Your heart pumps blood of broken bottles though your brain's veins. A slimy poisonous moss has grown over your teeth that you numbly probe with a swollen tongue; dry and cracked like a turtles head. A fat, sweaty, obnoxious pig connects with a solid kick to the back of your eyes before starting on your temples. He then relieves himself, leaving a seething, stinking pile of filth behind.
You make the painful crawl to the bathroom looking for pills, any pills - oh sweet Jesus, please let there be Nurofen. There are none. You suck water from the tap.
See what happens when you go to South London?
Now Time Out are always trying to stir up racial hatred between North and South London but I am not having any part of it. I live in North London so I am clearly culturally, financially, morally and genetically superior to anyone from the South but unlike most North Londoners, especially cab drivers, at least I am prepared to actually go there.
North London is superior to South London in every way so there is no real need to talk about it. Let's face it South London is only there because North London looks after it, like a retarded sibling - similar to Tom Cruise in "Rain Man".
But I was needy and desperate last night and the only offer was drinks down South so what could I do? A taxi is obviously out of the question - so I get the tube. But this is London so the tube is broken and the train stops at Warren Street. London may have the biggest, oldest, most used underground transport system in the world but that is no comfort when it breaks - which it does - all the fucking time. Sometimes they announce excuses, sometimes they don't.
It did mean I saw a heart warming scene that you would only ever see in London. A 30 something yuppie from Moscow, sat on a bench, helping a 21 year old goth from Illinois with her face make up, discussing the various public transport options to get to Brixton. Just think, there was a cold war 20 years ago.
After various transport shenanigans I get close to my destination and the final leg is by taxi where I have interesting discussion about the impending tube strikes with the Jamaican driver.
"Da ting abot Tatcher - aldo was she was a tough woman, at least she sorted oot de unions."
"True." I say.
I finally get there but now I am in South London - there is no way out. I have no choice but to stay at a friend's and drink whiskey until the early hours, discussing the numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors on my blog.
In the morning I have nothing but the long, dark trek north listening to my iPod, realising that Black Heart by Calexico isn't about a broken heart at all but the worst hangover ever - a world record I have just shattered into a thousand small sharp shards.
Don't do it kids.
Would you ever go there if your friend didn't live there?
Zen Wizard, at 7:22 pm
Hmmm.. no
h, at 7:28 pm
Sounds like South London is strangely analogous to Southwest Atlanta (a/k/a "The SWAT")--if you see a white boy there, he's usually either got jungle fever (pardon the phrase, but a black guy made it up) or he's scoring some nose-candy.
So it's got Sex & Drugs--No Rock & Roll, but two out of three ain't bad.
Zen Wizard, at 2:41 am
No it is not really like that. The ethnic diversity is about the same.
I don't go there because it is a bit Birmingham.
h, at 8:30 am
Ahh, the great thing about Black Heart is that it's about anything you want it to be about. With beautiful weeping strings into the bargain. Happy Christmas, my dear.
patroclus, at 9:35 pm
Tom Cruise did learn some valuable lessons from his Rain Man. It seems perhaps you have, too. That was one of the best hangover descriptions ever.
Never been to Birmingham but the North-South rivalry sounds a bit like the Queens-Brooklyn relationship. Cept i think Queens would definitely get the South London end of the deal. Smug hipster bastards.
Hope E. Ewing, at 3:30 am
You may be right there Stella - I think South London may have a secret talent for remembering long series of numbers.
Oh and thanks for the fine compliment. :o)
h, at 11:41 am
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