
Thursday, March 23, 2006


The pagan festival of the zodiac new year - when the earth goddess awakes from her long slumber reborn a young fresh faced virgin dressed in light green or is it white - can't remember. Anyway, the horned one seeks her, hunts her for.. you know {wink, wink}

It is a time of magic and fertility, of lust and love and life. A time of energy and excitement. The magic is strong but perfectly balanced. A time for new beginnings and new possibilities. Of baby chicks and bunny rabbits.

Yesterday a cruel north east wind blew the misery out the remains of the old year but today awoke a new with a warm young sun.

The budding trees know it - as do the birds sweetly singing in their branches - chirping to her glory and beauty. You can feel it in the air.

It is the time of the Ram.

So... careful out there kids and remember the rubbers.


  • You are thinking of Litha. This one is mostly born again virgin fucking.

    Heh yeah... we are an ugly lot. Well compared to your beauty Helga.

    By Blogger h, at 4:24 pm  

  • What should you bring if you are invited to a pagan "pot luck" dinner?

    I always bring cake.

    Should I bring a live goat?

    By Blogger Zen Wizard, at 6:08 pm  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Zen Wizard, at 6:09 pm  

  • ^ That delete was me. I put the same thing in there twice.

    If I could think of anything witty to say, I would probably put it in HERE.

    By Blogger Zen Wizard, at 6:15 pm  

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